In adapter mounting, a tapered bore bearing is mounted onto a cylindrical shaft through the use of a tapered adapter sleeve. Many typical split pillow block applications use an adapter sleeve to mount. The shaft seat does not need to be machined to the precision tolerances for cylindrical mounting and heating is not required. Driving the bearing up the taper achieves the correct mating of the components and reduces the bearing clearance to the level dictated by the application. No additional location on the shaft is required. Total costs associated with tapered mounting are typically lower than cylindrical mounting.
Adapter sleeves are the most commonly used components for locating bearings with a tapered bore onto a cylindrical seat as they can be used on: plain shafts or stepped shafts.
They are easy to install and require no additional location on the shaft:
When used on plain shafts, the bearing can be located at any position on the shaft.
When used on stepped shafts together with an L-shaped spacer ring, the bearing can be accurately positioned axially, thereby facilitating bearing mounting and dismounting.